Thursday, 10 February 2011

Any minute now!

Rumors have been flying all day, and you could cut the tension with a knife. Mubarak is set to give a speech any minute now, and the army is televising bulletin no 1 (it's the numbering that is sinister) about being in constant session and deliberating how to protect the people's interests. A military coup to follow? Suleiman side-lined?


  1. Watching with bated breath from France 5 minutes before speech time. Hoping that the people's demands are met. Gabriele

  2. Also glued to the tv and hoping for the best.

    J&J in Chapel Hill

  3. Is this when the real revolution begins? Mubarak follows in the footsteps of all dictators - they don't get it.

  4. Mubarak is a LIAR. A delusional liar. Not what we expected. Very very sad.

    Samia and Mohamed, please take care of yourselves, and be safe.

    Love, J&J

  5. What a disappointment! After such high hopes, and conflicting signals from the army, now Mubarak and Suleiman's speeches. Last night was supposed to be the beginning of the end for the regime, but it seems it is only the end of the beginning. There is a power struggle going on behind the scenes. Today will be a dangerous day.

  6. Just heard the news and rejoice with you. We are hearing the crowds in Tarhir square which just a few month ago we also walked across and are happy for the people. We hope that what comes next is as peaceful as the Revolution. What an exciting time to be there.


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